Looking for writing resources that you know are going to help?
We've picked out our favourites for you here.
Looking for writing resources that you know are going to help?
We've picked out our favourites for you here.
Okay, we're exaggerating. But seriously, there are probably more books than anyone could ever read out there.
And how are you supposed to sort through them when you've only got limited time, right?
We've done some of the work for you in whittling it down and picking out our absolute favourites.
Not only are they easy to read and get through, they're also immensely practical.
Take even a little of what they say on board, and your writing will improve almost immediately.
We’ve also added a few easy resources we’ve put together - all to make your writing life easier.
If you’re not ready for a whole course, check out our other resources for sale.
Yes, it says its about screen-writing, but really it's about story structure. It's funny, it's clear and it'll help you plan out your memoir or your novel, and get a clearer idea on exactly what you're writing.
Lisa Cron might have called her book 'Story Genius' but really, she's the genius in laying out so clearly exactly what the emotional hook of your writing needs to be, and exactly how to do it.
On Writing Well has been praised for its sound advice, its clarity and the warmth of its style. And with a million copies sold, Zinsser must be doing something right!
If you're writing a memoir, it can be helpful to read other people's memoirs. Note what you like, and what you don't like, and see if you can figure out why it works or doesn't work. Here are some of our favorites.
The author cleverly weaves a broader history of the women of Pakistan through her own personal story.
Look, you should just read it. It’s perfect. (And if you’ve done our course and learned about voice of innocence versus voice of experience, this is a perfect example of how to do it.)
An intimate, and at times heavy, African family story is told powerfully here. Its images - literary and photographic - stay with the reader.
Curious to read the memoirs we used as examples in our Write Your Memoir course?
Check them out here.